Audio COVID-19 Episode April 29, 20200Comments239. COVID-19 Staying Positive Listen as Allie & Duane share how they are staying positive and giving back to their students. by schoolownertalk
Audio COVID-19 Episode April 22, 20200Comments238. COVID-19 Re-Opening Plan: Project Reboot… Listen as Allie & Duane share everything you need to know to re-open successfully! by schoolownertalk
Audio COVID-19 Episode April 15, 20200Comments237. C.O.V.I.D. The Acronym… And What It Means For You! Allie & Duane share what the acronym C.O.V.I.D. mean for you. Info from Jim Dew... CEO and founder of Do Wealth Management… A certified finical planner, a finical consultant, a by schoolownertalk
Audio COVID-19 Episode April 8, 20200Comments236. COVID-19 The Peak! What are Allie & Duane doing at the peak of this epidemic? by schoolownertalk
Audio COVID-19 Episode Uncategorized April 1, 20200Comments235. Coronavirus HOPE! Listen as Allie & Duane share some HOPE in all this! by schoolownertalk
Audio COVID-19 Episode March 25, 20200Comments234. COVID-19 Update Listen as Allie & Duane share what's going on in their school right now. How they are handling everything. by schoolownertalk