Join Allie & Duane as they have a quick review of systems, Revisiting your school and business rules, Protocols, Programs, Prices, Specialty Programs. etc.
Listen in as Duane & Allie share how to have a E.L.F. Business (Easy, Lucrative & Fun) as opposed to a H.A.L.F. Business ( Hard, Annoying, Lame & Frustrating)
Why build and earn if you don't make sure you have it protected? Listen to Allie & Duane as they share some insight into how you can protect yours (Assets)
Listen as Duane and Allie share the four areas of this win-win relationships. Your relationships with your prospects, clients, business partners, & vendors.
Join Allie and Duane as they share the life-cycle marketing approach that almost every school owner is missing... except the successful ones!
Links shred on this episode:
I Can Get You 100
Listen as Allie and Duane discuss the pros and cons of reducing, waiving and/or expunging tuition. Whether it be in the beginning, middle or end of their training with your
Join Allie and Duane as they interview Chris Sutton from C.O.B.R.A. Defense Systems. Discover how to make six figures with a proven self-defense system.